Cornips, Leonie (2024, in press). The semiotic repertoire of the dairy cow. Language in Society. 

Cornips, Leonie (2024, in press). Getting to know the dairy cow: an inclusive and self-reflexive sociolinguistics in multispecies emotional encounters. In Cutler, Cecilia, Røyneland, Unn & Vrzić, Zvjezdana (eds.), Language activism: The role of scholars in linguistic reform and social change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  

Cornips, Leonie (2024, in press). How (dairy) cows and human intertwine languaging practices: recurrent vocalizations are not the same. In S. Cowley, Döring, M. & S. Vork Steffensen (eds.). Ecolinguistics: Languaging and living. Bloomsbury Publishing 

Cornips, Leonie & Marjo van Koppen (2024). Multimodal dairy cow – human interaction in an intensive farming context. Language Sciences vol. 101, 101587. 

Cornips Leonie (2022). The animal turn in postcolonial (socio)linguistics: the interspecies greeting of the dairy cow. Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics 6:210-232. 

Cornips, Leonie & Louis van den Hengel (2021). Place-making by cows in an intensive dairy farm: A sociolinguistic approach to nonhuman animal agency. In. Bovenkerk, Bernice & Jozef Keulartz (eds.), Animals in our midst: The challenges of co-existing with animals in the Anthropocene, 177-201. Springer.